- What we do
StudioWorkz is a expert group that has teams set up to perform specific tasks that they specialize in. The following are some of the requirements that we cater to currently.
Direct Artworking: Simple to highly complex multi-lingual, multi-media, original artworks or adaptations for campaigns and design work to clients around the world.
Publishing: From complex scientific and trade journals to detailed educational books to simple books, StudioWorkz can deliver to any brief when it comes to book publishing.
Artwork production to magazines and publication houses.
Image Enhancement Services: Let the world se more than what the camera can deliver. High end image enhancement to suit your requirements – Color Correction, Seamless multi-image merging, Complex image combinations like mixed-media art, International Color Coding adaptations etc.
Real-time Miniatures & reference modeling (Dummies)
Which translate as end result into:
Print ads
Out Of Home (OOH)
Point of Sale Collaterals
Brochures / Catalogues / Manuals / Directories etc.
Corporate Stationery
Magazines / Trade Journals
Swatch Cards
Clipping path
Resizing etc.
Graphic Artwork Production Services
- Original Artworks or Adaptations for Multi-media Campaigns
- Print Ads
- Outdoor
- Signage
- Packaging
- Brochures
- Annual Reports
- Stationary
- Magazines etc.
Image Services for print and Web
- Retouching
- Color Correction
- Swatch Matching
- Clipping path
- Correction Mask
- Shadowing
- Cropping and Resizing
Welcome to StudioWorkz - The world's offshore studio. A place which symbolizes perfection. A boon to many artists, creators & idea birth-givers who dream of seeing their seed turn into a fruit. StudioWorkz offers irresistible advantages to the user to enhance their work develop it to its fullest potential & bring to life what was a beautiful idea once
Technically, a dedicated studio that takes of every design need that needs to be perfected. Be it graphic image enhancement, artworks, adaptations, and a host of other pre-media services.
Our mission is to free up your highly paid resources to do the work that really deserves attention to detail, dedicated professionalism & expertise. Work that needs patience yet at an acceptable speed, finishing yet at an affordable cost and perfection yet at a universally agreeable platform.
STUDIOWORKZ recognizes both the challenges and opportunities presented by centralization within agency and client networks. The solutions we advance are specifically designed to maximize the digital production process on four key levels.
- Cost Saving
- Flexibility
- Quality
- Speed
Explore the world of StudioWorkz as you go further and discover how you can save on a multitude of areas and deliver the FINAL CUT.
- Why we need
A lot of energy and ideation goes into developing your brand's creative ideas. But once developed and approved, these ideas need to be adapted across a range of ATL and BTL collaterals and this is a hugely time consuming job that calls for efficiency and accuracy.
When 95% of the creatives are adapted, it doesn’t make sense to pay original creative rates for them. And it doesn’t make sense for a creative agency whose main focus is on cutting edge creativity to spend time and energy on adapting creatives.
Your Creative Agency & StudioWorkz are built to think & perform differently. While your creative agency is geared for generating innovative ideas and bringing them to life, we at StudioWorkz are geared to finding faster and better ways of doing things, automation and streamlining processes to deliver faster adaptations. The skill sets required for the two are very different and expecting any one kind of agency to do both kinds of work will lead to inefficiency.
To get to know where this 95% repurposed work is coming from, take a look at any typical campaign. You come to know that they are just adaptations from one medium to another (Primary adaptations) or across different sizes (secondary adaptations). And in most of the creative work and campaigns the primary combined with secondary adaptations form 95% of the creative work, which in essence is adapted.
Often, outsourcing artwork production and image work to low cost destinations can mean sacrificing quality at the altar of cost. After all, most outsourced Pre-media GPOs (Graphic Process Offshoring) are managed by people with little or no domain knowledge. StudioWorkz is designed to change that outlook.
StudioWorkz is a team of well experienced Domain Experts, who over the years have seen both technology as well as other factors, get their hand into the latest and are updated to the hilt. It's a team that have seen multitude of brands sail over victory Sagas in different segments such as FMCG, Consumer Durables, Telecom, Retail and other global conglomerates. Hands-on experience managing outsourced, offshore pre-media operations for advertising agencies, publishers, including freelance art directors/copywriters etc.
Short. Sweet. Simple & Pocket friendly - We take the boring, repetitive, low interest jobs away from you, execute them to the high standards you require and deliver them in the shortest possible time, while trimming your costs by as much as 70%. Adaptability to time zones, technical platforms (IBM / Macintosh), Design Software (Adobe Suite, Corel, publishing software, 3D modeling, Image enhancement software etc.)
WHAT YOU NEED FOR YOUR BRAND, IS A PRODUCTIVITY FIRM like StudioWorkz who can automate the 95% of adapted work, for greater speed to market, better finishing and higher accuracy and huge cost savings.
Achieving this performance boost in your deliveries is quite simple. All we need is your first cut of creatives, your requirements and we will take care of the rest. We also provide customised solutions, where during initial discussions we understand your workflow, volume requirements, needs and then tailor our semi-automated workflow.